Saturday, October 13, 2012

To pee or not to pee...

So today I'm 9dp2dt or 11dpo...technically a time where you would get a pretty accurate pregnancy test result. I'm going back and forth about whether I want to test in the next few days. My beta is not scheduled until Friday (darn clinic doesn't do them until 17 days post retrieval!). Since Wednesday I've had some pretty decent cramping...and since I tend to have shorter cycles (24-27 days) that could mean that AF is going to show up in the next few days. ARGH! Part of me is enjoying this "ignorance is bliss" feeling about the whole thing but part of me just wants to know to get it over with. Most of the day I'm thinking "there is no way this worked" but every once in awhile I think "maybe it did..." I don't know what to do! I just want to be pregnant!

T and I had a discussion the other night about what we'll do if this cycle doesn't work. Our clinic is pretty strict about waiting 2-3 cycles before starting another IVF to give your body time to get back to normal. They also close for 2 weeks over Christmas to do lab upgrades and any clinic maintenance. Keeping that in mind, it would not be until January that we could start another cycle. T and I decided that we would plan on IVF #2 in the new year but in the meantime contact a local adoption agency to just do some fact-finding about adopting locally or from the States. We don't want to spend any money on an adoption yet but if we do a bit of the research then we'll at least have an idea of what to expect. I am happy with this plan...although I sure hope we don't need to implement it!

Yesterday at work I had a major "OMG why can she get pregnant and I can't?" moment. Another nurse came into my office after she had been talking on the phone to a pregnant woman (yes, aren't I lucky, this is part of my everyday job). This woman is 20 years old and pregnant with her 4th (*%^&!) child! She told my friend that she "wanted to get rid of this one" but found out too late to get an abortion. She isn't getting any prenatal care and just really doesn't want this baby because it is going to "mess up her life", honey, I think you already did that...I told my friend that next time she talks to her to give her the number of a local adoption agency and explain open adoption to her. I doubt she even knows what open adoption is and maybe this way this child can have a better life instead of being the kid that her mom didn't want. So sad. I joked with my friend that she should tell her about me and that I would gladly take her baby off her hands...


  1. I can't believe you have not tested! Such willpower! I do understand though. I think having a plan is very helpful. We did the same thing. But hopefully you won't need it. Fingers crossed for some good news!

  2. I feel you, I stopped POAS. I get way too nervous. I think you guys have a great plan. I have such hate for those type of girls, but then they are the ones who also make our dreams come true when we can't have a baby. It's a crap shoot!

  3. I can't imagine how much longer the 2ww must feel with a 2-day transfer. Hang in there! I tested at home with my son because I was getting so crazy. This time I waited. Either way it was torture, but I think I ended up feeling crazier when I peed than when I didn't. Fingers crossed for you!

  4. Really hoping for good news, but really glad you guys have a plan forming as well. So good to have options. Thinking of you lots this week.

  5. I reeeeally really hope you get your bfp this week! I tested at 10dp2dt. Are you going to try to wait? Props to you if so, I couldn't have done that. It's so far away!

    I can't imagine being 20 and pregnant with my 4th. It's people like that I don't envy, but at the same time, can't help but be so enraged by. This whole thing just isn't fair.

    Anyway, back on a positive note, good luck friend!!!

  6. I hope you don't need your back up plan, and I hear you on getting frustrated about who can get pregnant and who can't. Whenever I hear stories like that I try and tell my self "my life is so much better than hers" but it doesn't usually work. Still pissed me off.

  7. That poor baby, I hope the mother will do what's right for him/her. Keeping my fingers crossed for good news this week for you!

  8. I'm waiting right here with you and praying that you get that BFP!

  9. Sounds like your clinic is crazy strict with their rules. I don't know if I'd be able to handle that. Are there any other clinics in your area that aren't quite so strict? It might be worth looking into if you are anxious to get started on your next cycle before your current clinic will let you...that is, unless you get your BFP this cycle! Praying for you!

  10. I'm like you, I am holding off testing at home, didn't test with my first IVF either, lived in the "ignorance is bliss" mode. Best of luck to you with your current situation and your plan if needed. Stick embies stick!!!
