Saturday, October 27, 2012

A few appointments...

I got my first ultrasound appointment! My clinic doesn't do them until 7 weeks so it's booked on Wednesday, Nov 7th! So excited! I also booked my first midwife appointment for Nov 12th! I'm still in total disbelief that this is actually happening.

My friend who is here for the weekend is currently in the kitchen making Indian food (yum)...she needs to come more often. :)

One scary thing that happened today is that my mother-in-law called us this morning asking why she might be having balance problems and having a hard time lifting her right foot when walking. T immediately told her to go to the hospital and sure enough, she has a bleed in her brain! She has been admitted and will be having surgery in the next few days to drain the blood. I think she's going to be fine (they caught it early enough) but obviously this has really scared us. I'd appreciate any prayers/good thoughts/vibes sent her way!


  1. how scary...will be thinking of your mother-in-law, but glad they caught it early. On a positive note, exciting to have your appts scheduled!

  2. Oh goodness! Will be sending many many thoughts to your mother in law. Wishing you the best on these upcoming appointments!!

  3. Scheduling those first appointments is so exciting. I hope your MIL's surgery goes very smoothly. Scary stuff.

  4. Sending positive thoughts your way. Hope your MIL's surgery goes well.

    November 7th will be here pretty, pretty soon! This is all happening my dear :)

  5. Also sending positive thoughts your way. My SIL had a bleed in her brain this past year, so I know how scary it can be. I hope that your MIL's surgery goes well.

    It's amazing that you'll be having your first ultrasound! So exciting.

  6. Congratulations on your upcoming ultrasound and prayers for your mother-in-law's health.

    ICLW #74 Dragondreamer's Lair

  7. Positive vibes coming your way. How exciting about the ultrasound. Looking forward to November 7th

  8. My thoughts and prayers are with your MIL for a positive outcome....
    Congratulations! Nothing but happy thoughts for your upcoming u/s.
    Bree :)

  9. Your MIL is in my thoughts and can't wait for Nov. 7!
