Tuesday, March 19, 2013

26 Weeks (and damn you cervix!)

So...just got back from an ultrasound with a Maternal-Fetal Medicine doctor...and it looks like my cervix is not cooperating! I got to have a date with the dildo cam and it showed lowest measurement of 1.8cm (bad!) and highest 2.5cm (OK but not great). The doctor wants me off work as of Friday. The babies look great so they aren't the concern, it's just my stupid body of course. We even got 3D pictures of them. They are SO cute! I just need my body to cooperate so they can be bigger and stronger before we officially meet them! The MFM doesn't want me on bedrest, he just wants me taking it easy and relaxing as much as possible. He'll see me again in 2 weeks and in the meantime a nurse will be coming to the house (not sure how often) to do non-stress tests and keep an eye on me. If I start to feel any strong contractions, I'm supposed to call his office immediately. I actually know a girl who this exact thing happened to her with her twins and she delivered them at 38 weeks so I'm trying not to panic, I just hope I follow in her footsteps! Please send some "long and closed" vibes to my cervix! It NEEDS to behave! We are NOT ready to meet these babies yet!


  1. Long and closed vibes sent. Take care of yourself!!!

  2. You got it!!!! Sending out the good vibes....long and closed!!! Be good to yourself, and take this time off of work to really relax and put your feet up!!!!

  3. Oh, wow! So glad you aren't on bedrest at this point, but I will certainly send those "be good, cervix" vibes your way! So glad to hear your two are happy and healthy!

  4. Praying for long and closed for at least 10 more weeks!!

  5. Good vibes being sent, along with a few prayers! You take care of yourself and those babies.

  6. Long and closed. Long and closed. Long and closed! I can't believe you're already at 26 weeks!!!

  7. I can't believe how far along you are already!!! I am sending you lots of good vibes and praying that you can keep cooking those babies as long as possible :)
