Sunday, March 3, 2013

Almost 24 weeks!

Not a lot going on around here! Hard to believe that on Tuesday I will be 24 weeks! That is a huge milestone in any pregnancy since it is considered "viability". Although, according to the OB I saw two weeks ago at the hospital, 23 week babies are able to be saved now. Amazing!  I had my first official OB appointment on Wednesday (up until now, I've just been seeing midwives) and really really like my OB. Unfortunately at the hospital I'll be delivering at, it is a bit of a crap-shoot as to which OB will attend your delivery. Some are amazing and others, not so much. (T works with all of them and there are some he wouldn't let touch me with a ten-foot-pole he says, so hopefully they won't be on-call when the time comes!) We'll just have to hope and pray that if I do end up being able to deliver vaginally, that a good OB is on-call. I am becoming more and more used to the idea that there is a pretty good chance I'll need a c-section though, which is huge for me since I used to be (before infertility messed up the trust I have in my body), very pro natural birth. If the presenting twin is breech (or both are), I'll need a c-section for sure. Not ideal but hey, at this point, it's all about getting them here safely and healthy! Maybe they'll listen to my lectures and stay head-down like they were at the last ultrasound. Time will tell!

T is making amazing progress with the cribs (I'll get a picture up at some point). They look great! Also, my mother-in-law and sister-in-law are planning a shower for me on April 7th. So close! Crazy to think that I will be having a baby shower! I honestly still don't believe I am getting babies out of all this! I don't think I will believe it 100% until they are in my arms! One cool thing is that they are moving SO much lately. When one of them kicks hard, you can see my tummy jump and yesterday I even saw one moving under my skin! Kinda freaky! Anyways, hope everyone has a great week!


  1. So so happy to hear this update and that things are going well for you and the little ones. I also still in disbelief that this is actually real for us. I agree with you. I don't think it will feel real until the girls are in my arms. Happy 24 weeks!!!

  2. Happy 24 weeks!!!! I feel the same exact way. Once this babe is in my arms will I finally feel okay....or very real!!!

  3. Yay for any update! At 24 weeks my baby was head down and I'm pretty sure he/she hasn't moved since then! I hope your babies stay head down too!!! : )

  4. Awww, so exciting! Congrats on making it to viability! That's a huge milestone :)
    I'm also excited for you on your upcoming baby shower. I have always wanted and envisioned what my baby shower would be like. For now, I will live vicariously through you and the others. Sounds like things are going great and I pray they continue to do so!

  5. Youre getting there, just hang in a little whole longer.... I think its sooo cool your husband is making your cribs. That was my plan too but it was going to have to be my dad, since my husband is no wood worker.

  6. This is so great! Such a happy, uplifting post :) I'm really happy for you and excited that it won't be too much longer before you meet the babies.
